Join the Bear Point Sno-Cruisers!
Joining the Bear Point Sno-Cruisers is easy. Stop by the Bear Point Yacht Club or any Member business. Club memberships are $30, single or family, and we ARE a 100% AWSC club.
We are over 200 members strong. If you would like to join up, you can download the membership form below and mail it in.
We know that many of you belong to other clubs, and that is good. Remember supporting the clubs with trails is important. Buy raffle tickets, help brush, or help in any way you can, without trails the sport is over.
We are planing a more rounded club with things to enjoy after the snow is gone like spring and fall picnics, some summer float trips on the Menominee River, and maybe a poker run. Let us know if you think of something else.
We have been doing very well on new members by word of mouth, but now I would like for the members we already have to find a fellow rider to join in on the fun of a well rounded club we want to have. As many of you know we have had fun this summer, so why not join too?